The Thriving Unlimited Concept

We both have come to recognize that people are designed to thrive -- born ready.  This involves us expressing and being ourselves from the whole of who we are using our internal guidance system for direction.  We recognize that to thrive is an evolving and alive process and is therefore unlimited.  This site and our work involves gathering and expressing what we have learned about what enables people to thrive in their own perception as well as what we have observed and come to understand.


The Thriving Unlimited People

Dr. StratasDr. Nicholas E.Stratas

Dr. Stratas has 50 years working with individuals, couples, groups, and organizations promoting growth, well-being and thriving. His approach is evocative, goal directed, experiential, cognitive, behavioral and spiritual. His framework is general systems. It is based on the belief that each individual's life direction comes from within  with the resources needed to grow, flourish, bloom and thrive.

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Dr. Hazen

Dr. Cynthia D. Hazen

Doctor Hazen has 35 years experience teaching and researching health and thriving. Dr. Hazen’s approach is integrative and draws from the best of psychological, sociological, meditative and spiritual perspectives and techniques toward enhanced intuitive direction.

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